How sugardrop Works
SugarDrop gives you five new recipes every week with each recipe having a SugarPoint rating. Each recipe also has a nutritional guide to help you know how to best fuel your body with meals that are nutritious and tasty. It’s great for people who are trying to lose weight, or better manage their blood sugar, and anyone who wants to cut back on sweets and enjoy healthy meals! SugarDrop is sugar’s worst nightmare and it’s here to save your health!

Use the detailed SugarDrop shopping list to purchase all the ingredients you will need for the week This will help you save time and make the most of your ingredients. All ingredients used in the SugarDrop recipes are gluten and wheat free

Follow detailed prep and cooking instructions on how to prepare and cook SugarDrop meals and you’ll be sure to enjoy a great meal that your entire family will love! There are no preservatives, added sugars, or unhealthy fats in SugarDrop meals so you will be sure to enjoy great flavour with every bite. The ingredients in SugarDrop cooking meals are always fresh and healthy, so you can feel good about feeding it to your family.